Health and Wellbeing Coach

Health and Wellbeing Coaches use health coaching skills to support people to become active in their care and reach their health and wellbeing goals. They help individuals to improve their skills, knowledge, and confidence so they can make informed decisions about their care.

As part of personalised coaching, health and wellbeing coaches will provide access to support infrastructure such as education, support networks and further social prescribing as necessary. They will non-judgmentally help patients self-identify issues and encourage active prevention of negative health impacts. Health and wellbeing coaches work alongside patients to motivate and support them as they implement a personalised health plan.

Personalised care has shown to be the most effective within healthcare as every individual’s needs are complex and different. Health and wellbeing coaches partner with individuals to guide them through choices according to clinical information. This gives the individual control over their health.

Health and wellbeing coaches will help by;
  • coaching and motivating individuals
  • setting patient-specific goals
  • providing access to education, peer support and social prescribing
Health and wellbeing coaches are people who;
  • are excellent active listeners
  • have good empathy and communication skills
  • are patient and knowledgeable

Health and Wellbeing Coach Training:

Requirements for health and wellbeing coaches are laid out in the workforce development framework for health and wellbeing coaches, along with details surrounding training and supervision. In the first instance there is a 4-day accredited training programme provided by the Personalised Care Institute paired with 50 hours of coaching experience.

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