Job opportunities in primary care

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NHS recruitment support

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Making primary care a career destination

About us

Leaders in primary care recruitment

Having started out providing a service to general practice, we advertised over 2,500 vacancies and received over 31,000 applications last financial year. We have created a value-added service that meets the needs of the evolving primary care landscape and we now also cover pharmacy, optometry and dentistry.

We are part of the NHS, funded at ICB level to support attraction, recruitment and retention across the primary care workforce. We aim to make primary care a career destination.

We are a virtual team with no geographical boundaries. If you would like to talk to us about how we could work with you, please get in touch on:
01206 918760 or

Number of roles advertised
2023 – 2024
Number of roles filled
2023 – 2024
Number of applications received
2023 – 2024

Our Success

Number of vacancies advertised
2022 – 2023
Number of applications received
2022 – 2023
Highest no of adverts open on one day
2022 – 2023
Annual % increase in vacancies advertised
2022 – 2023

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