Interested in becoming a phlebotomist?

Ever since the Primary Care Careers team have first had an inbox that people could send queries to, we have been surprised us by how often phlebotomy is asked about!

Noting this interest, we thought it would be appropriate to write up some information about the role for those interested, but maybe without the time to get in touch.

Generally, becoming a phlebotomist means that you work at your local NHS hospital or GP surgery. On a day-to-day basis a phlebotomist collects blood samples from patients and makes sure they get safely delivered to the laboratory for testing.

Step Into The NHS describes a typical task as a phlebotomist;

“Your first task is to take blood from an elderly, diabetic patient who isn’t recovering well from an operation. After correctly identifying and consenting the patient, you explain to the patient exactly what’s going to happen, then decide on the best area to take the sample and the most suitable equipment to use. In this case the veins in his arm are fine, so you clean the area and insert a needle.

After the blood sample has been collected, you ensure it is stored and labelled correctly, and ensure it is delivered to the laboratory for processing. You enjoy being a vital part of a life-saving medical team, and meeting all sorts of different people every day.”


To become a phlebotomist, you would need to complete venepuncture /phlebotomy training. Either ask your current employer to support you in the training if this is relevant to your role, or you can complete the training in your own time and expense.

Training courses can be found by searching online for ‘Phlebotomy training [your area]’

I hope this assists you and good luck in the future!

Reading Time: 2 Mins
1st February 2023
Roles in Primary Care
blood, Phlebotomist, Phlebotomy, primary care, qualifications, role, training, venipuncture